Hi and welcome. My name is Paula what's yours? Your report bodes well for neuro healing to take place. No one will be able to give you a timeline. Just the order that nerves heal in. The nerves are the slowest part of the body to heal. So think more in terms of months rather than day's weeks.
yes Deep Pain Sensation: never lost this neuro function!
yes Tail wagging with joy at specifically hearing happy talk, seeing you or getting food.
YES! Bladder and bowel control verified with the "sniff and pee" test.
4. 12/22 weak leg movement if supported, and then
___ ability to move up into a standing position, and then
___ wobbly walking.
5. __ Being able to walk with more steadiness and
___ properly place the paw without it knuckling under.
6. ___ Ability to walk unassisted and perhaps even run. LEARN MORE:
thumb.ibb.co/k3dqRS/Knuckling.jpgDo you have a rear end sling?
A sling is used as back up to catch a wobbly dog's butt and prevent twisting the back. Any sling needs to be accompanied by a front harness and leash to control speed to the very slow minimal footsteps at potty time especially sueinf post-op crate rest period.
A figure 8 DIY sling works especially well for the male dog anatomy at potty times. Other types of slings could be long winter scarf, long piece of ACE bandage, a belt.
If your dog's legs are paralyzed and has bladder control then the type of sling with holes for the back legs will give needed rear support at potty time without fear of hiking up the mid back. Always try to keep the back horizontal to the ground as much as possible.
1) DIY figure-8 sling:
dodgerslist.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Figure8.jpg **
This sling tip is just one of many useful tips and ideas to make the directed post-op rest period go smoother. Check out this page:
dodgerslist.com/2020/05/14/strict-rest-recovery-process/Education is key to caring for Sawyer
🚩I bet learning your dog was born with IVDD could be scary about the unknown. Ease your mind for the now and for living many happy years together. I recommend spending 10 mins to get the big picture with
Shortcut Thru IVDD dodgerslist.com/2020/06/26/time-and-ivdd/ The Forum takes the approach to provide comments that match each dog's indiviual needs. IVDD vet visits can be stressful. The mind can find it hard to absorb all the vet communicates and translate correctly into at-home care. Small things missed could easily change the healing potential for the dog. We will be depending on the details you share to spot things to help your dog.
Fill us in...
QUESTIONS★1 Is there still currently pain? List ONLY the signs you observe.
There should be no sign of pain from one dose of meds to the next. Have no patience with pain as it does hinder healing. Phone your vet and report any of observations asap to get meds adjusted. It can take about 14 days before all the surgical caused swelling subsides. Til then Sawyer needs to be in comfort from pain day and night.
⚙︎ shivering-trembling ⚙︎ yelping when picked up or moved
⚙︎ tight tense tummy ⚙︎ arched back, ears pinned back
⚙︎ restless, can't find a comfortable position
⚙︎ slow or reluctant to move in suite such as shift positions
⚙︎ not their normal perky interested in life selves
★2 __How much does Sawyer weigh? Age?
What are the full details of his meds?
What date was the first dose? ?mg ?x/day and for how many days until it begins tapering
-- Discuss the "all important" stomach protector Pepcid AC to suppress acids.
Learn 3 reason why MONITOR for red flag signs: Not eating, vomit, loose stool, bleeding ulcers, red or black blood in diarrhea.
The usual dose of Pepcid AC (famotidine) for dogs is 0.44mg per pound. ==>
www.1800petmeds.com/Famotidine-prod11171.html--Give 30 mins before the anti-inflammatory.
--Dose thereafter every 12 hours for the duration of the anti-inflammatory.
thumb.ibb.co/mEGRuy/91x_Aj_s00z_L_SY355.jpg **
★3 List which red flag signs of stomach damage you are currently observing:
_Not eating? _vomit? _loose stool? _bleeding ulcers? _red or black blood in diarrhea?
6 --What was the surgery date?
-- number of weeks surgeons wants for post-op rest?
-- Which did the surgeon direct for at-home PT?
Appropriate physical therapy can help maintain those muscles
with lost nerve connection and keep the joints flexible
while nerve cells regenerate.
Post-op PT for the paralyzed IVDD dog:
POTTY TIMES for dogs who can still sniff and pee Carry to and from the recovery suite to the potty place.
Using a sling (long winter scarf, ace bandage, belt) will save your back and help to keep a wobbly dog's back aligned and butt from tipping over.
A harness and 6 foot leash is to control speed and keep dog from darting off during post-op rest.
An ex-pen in the grass is an excellent alternative with the physical and visual to indicate there will be no running off. ** ★8 Describe what you observe currently about neuro functions. Does Sawyer....
-- Move the legs at all?
•Does he attempt to use back legs to reposition in his recovery suite?
• Does he attempt to stand by pushing up with back legs?
Look forward to your answers and hearing if you have specific concerns we can further comment on.