Arnie, appreciate fully disclosing all meds and the detail on neuro status. It gives quite a different picture and how we now comment.
PREDNISONE with the start of pred Aug 19 and the past issue of both signs of GI tract damage
vomit and diarrhea with meloxicam, it would be
VERY prudent to get on the phone today for Rxs to double protect the GI tract. Even with a 4-day washout from Meloxicam, it would not be a bad idea to have the always normal used Rx for
Pepcid AC® (famotidine) on board to suppress stomach acids when any anti-inflammatory is used. But also an Rx for a 2nd protector that works in a different way called
Sucralfate.. read the link so you know why you are advocating for it and the timing of it. Read "The 3 reasons why" article too: STATUS. It appears Jo deteriorated from pain only on Aug 7th to neuro diminishment after local vet on Aug 10 appt. His disc got worse/relapsed caused by lack of crate rest not started til 8/14. Your ability to understand this disease can help you now and in the future to protect Jo and live many happy years ahead.
While I imagine it is worrisome to observe the wobbly walking diminishment, the
good news is Jo has REAL potential to heal his disc and with time to self-heal the nerves to bring back a more normal gait! Right now the focus is all about healing the disc in 8 weeks. Nerve healing may or may not happen in that short of time. Nerve healing is the slowest department of the body....think in terms of months rather than day's weeks.
The key disc healing will be your knowledge to adhere to STRICT rest. Have the ability to recognize when anyone is offering well intentioned but harmful advise/services/therapies. Dr. Nancy Kay, DVM, ACVIM has hit it on the nail especially with IVDD. Each of us needs to be self educated so we can become the team captain and hire the right people to be on Jo's IVDD health care team.
As damage to the spinal cord increases, there can be a predictable stepwise deterioration of functions if excessive back/neck movement for example.
As you an see, Jo has relatively mild neuro issues which makes him a good candidate for conservative treatment. Let's make sure those mild symptoms do not escalate....STRICT REST always.
1. 8/7 Pain with initial tear of disc and ensuing swelling2. 8/10? Wobbly walking legs cross3. Nails/toes scuffing floor4. Paws knuckle under. Dog is slow to correct or
can't right the paw(s) at all5. Weak/little leg movement, can't move up into a stand6. Legs do not work at all (paralysis, dog is down)7. Bladder control is lost. Leaks on you when lifted. Can no longer sniff and then pee on that old urine spot outdoors.8. Tail wagging with joy is lost9. Deep pain sensation, the last neuro function, a critical indicator for nerves to be able to self heal after surgery or with conservative treatment. If surgery is not an option (for whatever reason) then the best option is conservative therapy. Surgery can still be successful in the window of 12-24 hours after loss of deep pain sensation. Even after that window of time, there can still be a good outcome. Each hour that passes decreases that chance.
Precious hours can be lost with a general vet who gets DPS wrong. Trust only the word of a neuro (ACVIM) or ortho (ACVS) surgeon about DPS.
A quick overview of conservative treatment vs. a surgery:
These tools will help you learn how conservative treatment works and know what to expect. And be able to give the essential gift of 8 weeks of STRICT rest to allow the disc to heal
1) Browse through the tried and true ways to provide Effective STRICT Rest Recovery for your dog:
==> Keep a medication chart to note patterns, have dates and specific facts handy as you discuss things with the vet. D/l a sample and a blank form to use with your dog's meds Gain a good overview of the now of a disc episode and living many happy years ahead with your foundation on what IVDD is: do continue to keep us posted on how Jo is doing, any changes in pain surfacing or neuro changes.