Kari, the single most important of care is the inside of the recovery suite part. Too much movement of the back with a car transport, too much movement at potty time all could be a potential for more damage to the disc, which could impact the spinal cord.
Another way of saying to be very careful with Bob's back and disc:
"Anytime out of the recovery suite is a danger to the healing disc"
See if you can internalize the concepts of STRICT limited movement to get across your concerns with the vet:
--- Vets who understand a disc episode will take phone updates about neuro function and pain. They will also adjust pain meds over the phone all in an effort to avoid a car transport that could be a potential setback.
-- No one (not you nor the vet) will be able to properly asses for pain with pain meds still on board.
• The typical time to stop pain meds is when the pred taper starts on 1/31.
• When pred lowers it is not working on pain swelling if it would exist.
• Your job at home is to monitor for pain without blindfold on your eyes of pain meds still being on board.
You have reported no neuro decline only pain with this disc episode. STRICT rest can keep these mild symptoms mild while the disc is healng with an expected graduation date of March 21! Do what you can to protect and advocate on behalf of Bob.
You know where the pain signs list is in one of my previous posts. On the pred taper which is to start 1/31 (hopefully with pain meds stopped as well) you will also want to monitor for neuro decline. See below for the step-by-step decline of the neuro functions IF THERE WoULD be too much movement causing damage to the healing disc and then further damage to the cord.
Pain surfacing or neuro decline DEMANDS contacting the vet to get pred back on board asap to again work on the painful inflammation around the cord.
Vets who work with owners want them to know what to do at night when vet is closed or over the weekend. Could be an emergency RX script you could fill at local 24 hr pharmacy or some extra pills at home til the vet opens again. An ER visit is very expensive, a "Plan B" is free!
What's you and your vet's plan? Hours DO matter in getting pred back on board if either pain or neuro diminishment appears!
Kari, have my fingers cross for the 1/31 taper there will be no sign of surfacing and no indication of neuro function lessening.1.
1/24 Pain with initial tear of disc and ensuing swelling
2. Wobbly walking
legs cross
3. Nails/toes scuffing floor
4. Paws knuckle under. Dog is slow to correct or can't right the paw(s) at all
5. Weak/little leg movement,
can't move up into a stand
6. Legs do not work at all (paralysis, dog is down)
7. Bladder control is lost. Leaks on you when lifted. Can no longer sniff and then pee on that old urine spot outdoors.
8. Tail wagging with joy is lost
9. Deep pain sensation,
the last neuro function, a critical indicator for nerves to be able to self heal after surgery or with conservative treatment. If surgery is not an option (for whatever reason) then the best option is conservative therapy.
Surgery can still be successful in the window of 12-24 hours after loss of deep pain sensation. Even after that window of time, there can still be a good outcome. Each hour that passes decreases that chance.
Precious hours can be lost with a general vet who gets DPS wrong. Trust only the word of a neuro (ACVIM) or ortho (ACVS) surgeon about DPS. A quick overview of conservative treatment vs. a surgery:
dodgerslist.com/2020/02/10/surgery-vs-conservative/When there is an actual urgent need for a serious health issue that can't be handled over the phone (UTI needing a urine sample, learning how to express a paralyzed dog's bladder, etc.) the health benefit overides the risk to the disc.
With an urgent health need, pad out the crate with a rolled up towel or blanket snug around Bob's body. This prevents back movement when you brake or take a corner. Be careful in transporting him into the building. Call from your car in the parking lot to let them know you arrived. Hopefully they have an exam room you can immediately take him to while waiting on the vet.
Clarify if you will. What was adjusted with phone call today (1/30)? the specifics?
Methocarbamol (muscle relaxer) ?mg ?x/day
Gabapentin (nerve pain) ?mg ?x/day
Prednisone ?mg ?x/day for how many days
What is the stumbling block to getting Pepcid AC on board?