Jenny, your Knox has done amazingly well in healing his nerves than what I had suspected before reading this new information. As mentioned conservative treatment is focused on the disc healing in 8 weeks. But yet Knox is doing very welling the nerve healing department. He is on a roll in nerve function repair!!!
Look for your self how further along the list of healing he has accomplished.:
4. YES!! Weak leg movement such as to reposition in the suite, and then
YES!! Ability to move up into a stand position by himself, and then
___ Wobbly walking.
5. __ Being able to walk with more steadiness and
___ no longer knuckles under the paw(s), properly places the paw.
6. ___ Ability to walk unassisted.
Not all vets can know every disease for every species (birds, dogs, cats, reptiles, farm animals, horses) they treat. Vets are pediatricians, surgeons, dermatologists, dentists in their daily work. Just think of your own doctor. He does not specialize in every disease and he only works with the human species. He will often refer you to specialist if he does not feel comfortable in his knowledge of a disease you may have.
This steroid hormone (dexamethasone or prednisone) has one job to do during a disc episode. Get all of the painful swelling around the delicate spinal cord tissue resolved. Prednisone does not repair nerve function.
All vet's must guess how long to Rx prednisone. The usual is a 5-7 day course. One vet Rx'd for a rather short 3-day course up at the anti-inflammatory level. It is not until all days of the taper doses are complete AND pain meds are stopped that you and the vet have proof positive there is no more need of prednisone.
With no pain meds on board on final pred dose 11/22 and no pain nor any worsening of neuro functions, that was proof not to Rx prednisone by whichever vet (#2,#3, etc) did that.
Now that you know how pred works, Vet #1 who Rx'd the 3-day course (5mgs 2x/day) and the pain meds was on the right track of treatment. Would he have Rx'd more pred 11/22 when there was no pain, no increased neuro diminishment? Have to admit kinda lost keeping straight the many vets which is which. You will have to figure out if he's to be on Knox's IVDD health care team or if you need to find an IVDD knowledgeable vet: does Knox not have one single vet you work with? There were too many cooks in the kitchen!
Now that you know not all vets can know IVDD, it is on you to become the pet savvy pet parent to speak up for Knox. Be able to recognize well intentioned but harmful advice and politely say "no thanks."
-- Shortcut thru IVDD: -- How to carry out STRICT rest with lots of tips to make the time go smoother: Prednisone is one drug (a hormone) that MUST be tapered off under supervision of a vet. It is time now to taper it and with the final every other day dose to be off of it. Call a vet in the morning and get the taper instructions that end in every other day doses.
Your job is, now, to make sure Knox will have limited movement of the back. Anytime a vet wants to "see" Knox, it must be for a very urgent health issue. Car transports can ruin all the disc healing with the potential risk of too much movement. If a re-tear of the disc, back to square one of 8 weeks of disc healing. The pain of the disc tear for Knox. The pain of more vet bills, etc. for you.
When you can, bone up on IVDD so you can care for Knox now. And importantly live many happy years ahead with the disease he was born with.
Strategies for finding a local DVM IVDD vet: in touch....let us know in the morning what is Rx'd for tapering off of pred.