J, congratulations on Hazel's graduation. It is still early in the slowest of part of the body to heal.....nerves. Your seeing a happy tail wag and being able to get her legs under her body when scooting are nice neuro fuctions to see in repair!!
The classic textbook is for bladder control to come back before leg movements. However, on this Forum we have seen a number of dogs that did not get good bladder control until after leg function was well underway in self repairing. Sounds like Hazel's brain is trying to get a signal for the neck of the bladder to open, but not quite there yet.
Your proof positive that Hazel has bladder control will be the sniff and then you observing urine comes out. So keep up the good work letting her try a sniff and pee. IF nothing, then express. Expressing is a health reason to prevent urinary tract infection (UTIs) from developing.
Determine how you are going to ease back into more normal family activity at graduation from weeks of inactivity. The idea is to gradually give more freedom under controlled conditions. Not free rein of the house nor the yard immediately! LOL
Hazel's muslces are soft and out of shape after the rest period. Gradually build up muscles and lungs.
Take a look at our information. Gradually building your dogs muscles over a month's time will have your dog safely running or scooting and having fun again!
Here is a sample schedule to safely and slowly introduce your dog back to family life and physical activity:
dodgerslist.com/2020/06/15/back-friendly/?highlight=sample%20schedulePROTECTION around the house
1) Good ideas in making your home back friendly. Ramps leading down from furniture if that was allowed prior to disc problem. Later on when ability to use back legs, use of furniture blockers to prevent her from jumping up on furniture:
dodgerslist.com/2020/07/09/home-protect-ivdd-backs/2) Teach yout dog to be safe and not jumping up or down, but to use a ramp whether over steps leading outdoors or to furniture in the house if she was allowed on furniture before the disc episode.
i0.wp.com/dodgerslist.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Training-love260.jpg Dogs are best at visual learning rather than verbal commands. Dog trainer Anna Jane Grossman says “Dogs learn in pictures. Inside your dog’s brain is a very simple algorithm – pleasant images in one place and unpleasant images in another."
Dog with paralyzed legs learning ramp training: 3) GARMENTS TO PROTECT
You will want to consider how you will prevent rug burns when scooting and protecting bacteria from entering the bladder.
Females have a very short path into the bladder and the use of a garment will protect against urinary tract infection (UTI).
Here are some sew and no-sew options:
dodgerslist.com/2020/06/13/garment-skin-uti-protection/ HAPPY DAYS AHEAD
Lots more ideas and tips in living with an IVDD dog. Things such as how to handle dentals, nail trims for health and encouraging fun safe with your dog.
dodgerslist.com/living-with-ivdd-tips-2 PT THERAPY AT CLINIC or HOME
-- Continue with at-home PT to maintain those muscles with lost nerve connection and keep the joints flexible while more nerve cells regenerate.
-- Consider Underwater Treadmill Therapy at a clinic if it fits your budget. This is why consideration with Hazel showing some rear leg movement:
The movement of the hip joints and muscles and the changes in pressure on the paws from the underwater treadmill triggers spinal cord communication with the brain.
Water buoyancy makes it easier than leg movements against gravity. There is not only the potential to regrow damaged neuronal path ways but also for neuron to muscle re-education to learn the art of walking again.
With weather in your Southern California location, you may also have the option of at home water therapy. See if you can adapt it to fit your 38lbs girl safely. A life vest will be a safety need.
dodgerslist.com/2020/05/28/surgery-dog-water-therapy/WOULD YOU HELP ANOTHER?
-- Would you consider helping a new member trying to make decisions about surgery?
Here is the directory where you can share your dog's info: dodgerslist.boards.net/board/13/member-reported-surgery-costs-recommendationsState:
Date of surgery:
What was included in cost (MRI?, days stay, ER? PT? meds for home, sling, etc.)
We wish Hazel many happy years ahead living with you. Please keep us posted as you can with her transition back to family life. Being able to follow Hazel, gives insane hope to others just starting a scary IVDD journey.
Don't be a stranger. We'd love it if from time to time you could stop in and maybe even some pictures of Hazel having fun.