Stacey, maintaining good care for your dog is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself. Be your biggest fan. Your Max depends you. Understanding what happened means you can make sure any bad practices are no longer gonna happen.
Go by the neuro's diagnosis. He is the higher authority than a 4-year DVM.
What was the Neuro's diagnosis?
Intervertebral Disc Disease?
A slipped disc?
A herniated disc?You got the prednisone. What did you get? Sorry to have to keep asking for details. Details are how we know what is going on. for how many days on 15mgs 2x/day? then taperNow CALL NEURO TODAY to get
pain meds adjusted over the phone! Explain when you observe signs, describe the signs of pain you observe. BE specific in describing things. i.e. when Max moves, nearing next dose of meds you see ...
⚙︎ shivering-trembling ⚙︎ yelping when picked up or moved
⚙︎ tight tense tummy ⚙︎ arched back, ears pinned bac
⚙︎ restless, can't find a comfortable position
⚙︎ slow or reluctant to move in suite such as shift positions
⚙︎ not their normal perky interested in life selves
➕with a neck disc:
◻︎ head held high/ nose to the ground
◻︎ looks up with just eyes and does not move head and neck easily.
◻︎ not eating due to painful chewing or in too much overall pain
◻︎ limited movement of tongue when licking
◻︎ holds front or back leg up flamingo style not wanting to bear weight
If neuro is not on duty, then be a greasy but polite wheel. Ask to speak with the vet on duty. Vet techs, receptionists do not have the aiblity to Rx. Always know the credentials of the person you are speaking with...ask them if they don't identify themselves.
Any vet at the hospital can access Max's file and therefore have the ability to adjust medications.
The history you've provided sounds as if you have had a very rough time getting the care Max needs. Anyone in your situation would be upset. It is frustrating for everyone that medical science has not yet evolved to the point where vets can be perfect in a diagnoses nor know in great detail each disease that all species could have. But you can know just one disease pretty well. That is our goal for you— IVDD eduction to care for and protect your dog now and in the future. Be able to recognize well intentioned but harmful advice and just say "no" in a polite way.
Anytime Max is out of his recovery suite is a danger to his healing disc. Movement of the vertebrae in the neck/back pressure the weak and trying to heal disc. Damage to the disc can cause a decline to the spinal cord nerves resulting in leg function diminishment and can cause pain.
Please keep a med chart A medication chart is useful to see patterns, cause and effects, have dates and specific facts handy as you discuss things with the vet.
D/l a sample and a blank form to use with your dog's meds Very likely risky-to-the disc transports have been too much movement. Vets who know IVDD, understand especially with a heavy to carry dog things should be taken care of over the phone whenever possible.
-- Very likely escapes have contributed to pain and decline in neuro functions
-- On the Rabies vaccine bottle says not to give to an unhealthy dog!
-- Nerves can self repair with time. The disc only heals with limited movement in 8 weeks time. The focus is on healing the disc. Nerve healing may or may not come back in the short time a disc heal in.
Keep us posted on your progress in getting pain meds adjusted.
What Rx's did you get for what meds from your DVM?
name of each med ?mg ?x/day