Kimberly, welcome to Dodgerslist, we are glad you are here. Northwoods, Sandip, Melissa and Maureen are exactly right there is no reason for euthanaisa with a disc episode! Here at Dodgerslist we know it
IS in the cards for each dog to return to a good quality of life with their family. Not all vets have the experience with disc disease...making it your responsibility to read, absorb all we have to off and be in a position to properly care for Jasper, be able to understand the IVDD enemy and take an active roll in working with the vet, be an integral part of making decisions based on your readings. As quickly as time permits, begin to devour each of the articles in our Disc Disease 101 area. Jasper is going to be dependent on your abilities. start with the one on conservative Treatment as that will help you during the next 8 weeks to know what to expect. Here is your plan of action:
1. Make sure you are protecting the spinal cord from any more damage that may not be recoverable. All is not lost, Kimberly!!! Nerves can repair!!!! 100% STRICT crate rest 24/7 only out to potty for a full 8 weeks …. No laps, no couch, no sleeping in bed with you, no meandering, scooting or dragging around during potty times. No baths, no chiro (aka VOM). In other words do everything you can to limit the vertebrae in the back from moving and putting pressure on the bad disc. Transport him to the vet in a crate padded out so he'll not rock or move as you take corners or brake.
The crate is the only surface that is firm, supportive for the spine, not inclining, always horizontal and keeps a dog from darting off at a TV doorbell and safe from other pets and kids from bothering them. The rest of the details of doing crate rest to ensure the best recovery in this excellent document: The purpose of crate rest is to act as a cast of sorts to let the disc heal… only limited movement of STRICT crate rest allows that to happen…there are no meds to heal a disc. Immediate neuro improvement may or may not come during the 8 weeks of crate rest… as nerves may take more than 8 weeks to heal.
#2. -- Is there still currently pain - shivering, trembling, yelping when picked up or moved, reluctant/slow to move head or body, tight hard tummy? Know the typical meds used so you can advocate to get them on aboard. Pain deters healing. Once pain meds have been properly prescribed pain will be under control in 1 hour and there after dose to dose. Look in the blue highlighted area for the meds most typically used with ALL disc episodes: What are the exact names of meds currently given, their doses in mgs and frequencies?
-- Currently can your dog move the legs at all? or wag the tail when you do some happy talk?
-- Do you find wet bedding or leaks on you when lifted up? If yes, you'll need to bone up on expressing BEFORE getting a hands on top of your hands type of lesson. Eating and drinking OK?
-- Poops OK - normal color no dark or bright red blood?
We are all here to support you. Know in your heart that Jasper will be ok. Give him a big kiss and tell him you are now in charge and he will get better.... because that is the truth.
Let us know what the vet says, prescribes. As Sandip says make sure you get Pepcid AC (famotidine) on board to protect the stomach lining when anti-inflamamtories are in use to avoid bleeding ulcers.