Welcome to Dodgerslist. We are glad you’ve joined us all. We’ve got valuable information we’ve learned from the vets Dodgerslist consults with and our own experiences with IVDD since 2002 to share with you! Learn more about us and how we team up with veterinarians:
dodgerslist.com/about-team-dodgerslist/Disc disease is not a death sentence!
Struggling with quality of life questions? Re-think things:
What is your name? I am Romy.
When did you visit the vet and start the Deramax? Is it once a day?
Did the vet give a diagnosis of IVDD? IVDD is sometimes called; a disc problem, a disc herniation, a bulging disc, slipped disc?
What are Otto's current symptoms?
Is Otto currently on very strict crate rest? When did crate rest start?
Strict crate rest is the hallmark of conservative treatment for IVDD. We have some information on the whys and hows of strict crate rest here:
Conservative treatment can work to get the disc to heal, allow the body to shrink back disc material so that it can no longer aggravate the cord.
Important things to know about IVDD episodes:
➤ Medications used during a disc episode:
www.dodgerslist.com/meds-used-during-disc-episode/➤ What to expect for each phase of healing:
Is Otto showing any signs of GI Tract problems? —Eating and drinking OK? No nausea/not eating, no vomit? —Poops OK? Normal firmness & color -no dark black or bright red blood indicating bleeding ulcers? No diarrhea?
All anti-inflammatories, like Deramax, cause excess stomach acid, which can lead to serious stomach damage. To help prevent damage, a stomach protector like Pepcid AC should be used. Dogs cannot speak up at the first signs of an upset stomach like a person would, so Dodgerslist support vets who are proactive in stomach protection. Our IVDD dogs have enough to deal with without adding GI issues. Please speak to your vet about adding a stomach protector as soon as you can.
It is very scary when our dogs have IVDD. It becomes less so when we learn all we can about the disease. Take a look at the information on our main website:
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