Welcome to Dodgerslist, cg212. My name is Marjorie - what's yours?
There is no over-the-counter medication that will help an IVDD dog. What you must immediately do is put your dog in a recovery suite, such as a crate or ex-pen. Movement of the spine may cause more damage so you must limit his movement. Do you have a pet Emergency Room where you can take him? He needs a pain medication prescribed by a vet to help with his pain and an anti-inflammatory to bring the swelling of the disc down.
With a disc problem it takes 8 weeks of strict rest to let the disc heal. Otherwise the weak scar tissue forming can easily be re-torn and the pain, more vet bills, the cycle of healing has to start all over again.
Can you give us a bit more in essential information about your dog:
-- What is your dog's name? What is his breed?
-- Are you as of today doing the all important 100% STRICT crate rest 24/7 only to be carried in and out to potty with very few steps being taken during potty time? No laps, no couch, no sleeping in bed with you, no meandering, scooting or dragging around during potty times. No baths, no chiro (aka VOM)?
-- Is there still currently pain - shivering, trembling, yelping when picked up or moved, reluctant to move much or slow to move, tight tense tummy?
-- After you see a vet, please let us know the exact names, dose in mg's and frequency of all meds. Please include the must have stomach protector such as Pepcid AC … 5mg 30 mins prior to anti-inflammatory med. Most of us have started the habit to learn the meds given our dogs before they go in the mouth by asking the vet, Googling, etc. Being informed makes you a good monitor of meds and knowledgeable to ask pertinent questions. This is a wonderful veterinary website to bookmark:
www.marvistavet.com/html/pharmacy_center.html-- Currently can your dog wobbly walk? move the legs at all? or wag the tail when you do some happy talk? Once your dog is off all medication and has no pain, the very, very lightest least aggressive range of motion and leg massage is necessary for paralyzed legs during conservative treatment. The information highlighted in PINK pertains to a dog who can't walk. Check with your vet before starting.
www.dodgerslist.com/literature/massagepassiveexercises.htm-- Can your dog sniff and squat and then release urine or do you find wet bedding or leaks on you when lifted up?
-- Eating and drinking OK?
-- Poops OK - normal color, firmness, no dark or bright red blood?
-- If there is pain or neuro diminishment, dogs can benefit greatly with acupuncture or laser light therapy. These therapies can be be started right away to help relieve pain and to also to kick start energy production in nerve cells to sprout. So if this therapy is in your budget, seek out a holistic vet.
Owners can be instrumental in helping their dogs recover. It takes being a reader as not all vets know this disease…but you certainly can know just one disease. So that you can have an informed discussion with the ortho, please read up on the two pertinent pages:
www.dodgerslist.com/literature.htmwww.dodgerslist.com/literature/healingsurgery.htmWe're looking forward to learning more about the disc episode that your dog is currently having and are here to help you through this.